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Why is it important not to have too many I/Os?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:43 pm
by juliana.ernser
Why is it important not to have too many I/Os?

Re: Why is it important not to have too many I/Os?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:06 pm
by creola.bauch
I/Os stand for In/Outs. That is the connections between the LCD and the processor. Each type of interface has its own number of I/Os. Parallel can have 4 or 8 or more. RGB can have 16 or 24 or other even numbers. SPI normally has 3 or 4.

Sometimes you may have a limited number of I/O’s left on your processor and need a limited number to drive your LCD. SPI and I2C have the lowest number of I/O’s, but they are not as fast as other interfaces for video and other applications.