Is there a different driving voltage for a 16x2 LCD vs a 8x1 or 8x2?

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Is there a different driving voltage for a 16x2 LCD vs a 8x1 or 8x2?

Post by sandy.quitzon »

Is there a different driving voltage for a 16x2 LCD vs a 8x1 or 8x2?
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:36 am

Re: Is there a different driving voltage for a 16x2 LCD vs a 8x1 or 8x2?

Post by edwardo04 »

No. you can choose a 3.3V (good for batteries, but poor performance in the cold) or 5V. It is the same for any size character LCD. Though, the larger the glass size of the LCD, the more current it may draw.
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